Home > business, finance > A new way to ring fence global revenue, jobs and opportunity for the UK

A new way to ring fence global revenue, jobs and opportunity for the UK

With the advent of globalisation threatening to leave the the UK and many of it’s counterparts behind as the China, India and other emerging superpowers forge ahead with their own technological innovation, is there a way for us to retain our position in the world economy?

Pie Finance, a London based comany offering a web based solution to turning good ideas, spare time and resource into profitable businesses may just have an answer.

In theory, their platform has the potential to help the global economies recover faster by funding business start up and innovation at an earlier stage than has ever been possible, and at the same time, redress the balance by enabling some of the created wealth and opportunity to be ring fenced for the UK. With international patents that filed in the United States, Canada, China, India, Russia, Australia and a number of other countries, the company are seeking government support to leverage these to ring fence some of the revenue, jobs and opportunity that it helps to generate for the UK.

Based around a tool that helps entrepreneurs and innovators get ideas-to-market resources on an initial premium priced, but paid out of revenue shares basis, the fact is that, conveniently, “biggest is best”. The effectiveness of the solution is (up to a point) dependant on the number, location and diversity of resource providers and ventures propositions on the database. This makes it easier to roll the solution out with big, established brand partners and discourage copycat offerings.

The company are offering to ‘gift’ a lions share of revenues generated back to the UK government if they are used to support education, enterprise and employment support activity. With the planned cuts in public spending, the Pie Finance solution provides a way for the government to overcome a number of the key challenges that
it is currently facing:

  • Funding enterprise and employment support to aid the recovery.
  • The creation of long term, self funded and well paid employment opportunities.
  • Finding ways to increased tax revenue from new jobs and enterprise.
  • A way to help fill the pension gap by helping for individuals to save without money.

In the same way, the the solution could be focussed on it’s intended target – financing the underserved ‘idea-to-financeable’ stage of business start up and innovation commercialisation – eliminating the danger of it reducing the market share and margins in other conventional financing sectors. The company currently have pilots scheduled with a niche bank and one of the most established in Europe.

Categories: business, finance
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